Considering a Seasonal RV Site? Hear from Experienced Seasonal Campers!

Seasonal RV camping is becoming increasingly popular among RVers who want stability and community while still enjoying the freedom of the open road. To get an insider’s perspective, Colton RV & Marine interviewed several seasonal campers at Sleepy Hollow Campground in Akron, New York, who have made permanent RV sites their home away from home!

1. What Made You Decide To Get a Permanent RV Site?

Having a dedicated spot for the entire season means less time spent setting up and breaking down camp, which is a huge convenience for seasonal campers.

Tim: “It’s just easier. Instead of coming every weekend setting up, tearing everything down.”

Rob: “My wife and I both grew up camping, and we decided it was something we wanted to do with our kids.”

June: “Me and my husband, we bought a camper, and we wanted something close to home”.

Allie: “I can just come up whenever and bring the kids up and have fun.”

Mike: “I had a camper and would go to the state parks, and once I decided that this was more fun just to leave it set up and come on the weekends, it just worked out a lot better. And now that I’m retired it’s even better yet.”

2. Who Do You Camp With?

Seasonal RV sites aren’t just about convenience, it’s also about who you spend your time and make memories with!

Rob: “Probably every other weekend we have friends that come up to visit, go to the beach and hang out at the pool, go to the playground.”

Joelle: “Next to us is my mom, and on the other side is my mother-in-law. And then we’ve got friends that we’ve met that have become life-long friends now.”

Tim: “My wife and my daughter. My parents are right next door to me, we’ve got grandkids that love to come up and go camping.”

Allie: “Husband, kids, my nieces and nephews are always out, my mother-in-law comes up. The whole family.”

Mike: “I have a son and the grandkids, they just come visit. My son actually stays with me in this one and my grandson.”

3. How Did You Decide On Your Current RV Floorplan?

Choosing the right floorplan is crucial for your seasonal RV site! Many factors come into play like how many people will be staying in your camper, and what features are most important to you based on your camping lifestyle.

Joelle: “Our first camper we had bunkhouses, we moved to a loft now. We just had our third child so we needed a lot more room. This is more of a residential so it’s a lot bigger. We actually work from home here in the summer so it works really well because it’s just like a house.”

June: “I like a big living room because I’ve got quite a big family, so if they come up to visit and it’s nasty out or they just want to sit and hang in there and watch tv they have somewhere to go.”

Allie: “The mid-bunk room just because obviously I have two kids and need that extra space. But also there’s a back living room which is huge and the kids can play and have tons of space.”

Mike: “Originally I was set to live in Florida and be a snowbird, so I wanted a bigger living room and just one bed and this is it. I found this and that’s what it is, a big living room, one bed, and just a kitchen. Everything we needed.”

4. What Are Your Must-Haves at Your Permanent RV Site?

Unlike typical weekend camping getaways, seasonal campgrounds allow you to customize your space with options like decks, sheds, gazebos, and more!

June: “Geez you’re putting me on the spot, now I’m trying to really think! Definitely a gazebo, and a fire pit.”

Rob: “I’d say a golf cart is the most important. Mini fridge or a cooler, maybe some lighting. Just some ambient lighting for the nighttime before you get your fire going.”

Joelle: “The must-haves are definitely the shed for sure. It allows us to store all of our outside stuff- the bikes, the lawnmower, all of that. So I think the shed is the biggest thing. And then I would like storage on the actual camper.”

Allie: “Kuma chair definitely! That’s actually the dog’s, we have one for us too. But the Blackstone! I love our Blackstone.”

Mike: “Putting this sun tarp was the best thing because you can’t leave your awning out here because the lake will blow it out, the wind. So this thing really helps out a lot. The deck is add-on, the shed, all kinds of storage, and the golf cart of course. You’ve got to have a golf cart to get around here.”

Tim: “We got a shed this year, we got a gazebo just to get out in the weather because I hate staying inside when we’re camping.”

5. What Would You Say to Someone Considering a Seasonal/Permanent RV Site?

Don’t take our word for it- take theirs!

June: “Oh I would highly recommend it!”

Rob: “Absolutely go and do it!”

Allie: “Go for it! Definitely go for it. Just the flexibility, you can be up here whenever you want.”

Joelle: “Definitely do it! It’s a home away from home. We don’t have to pack it up and travel somewhere, it’s really nice to be able to just bring the clothes that we needed to wash from the last time and some food and literally just live here. It’s awesome.”

Final Thoughts

The ability to stick close to home in your local area, personalizing your own campsite, and building lasting relationships are just a few of the reasons why so many choose the seasonal camping lifestyle. If you’re considering a seasonal RV site, take it from the pros: it’s a an amazing experience that combines the best of both worlds—the freedom of RV travel and the comfort of a stable home base!

Thank you to everyone for letting us interview them! Local to Western New York and want to look into the next steps to getting a seasonal RV site? Be sure to check out Sleepy Hollow Campground HERE!

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